Friday 26 September 2014


Nothing was too much trouble

My wife and I were shopping for a new medical aid and via research on the internet, we were contacted by Jaime Brits from Affinity Health. Jaime helped us make our decision and join up with our new medical insurance - all online and by phone. Nothing was too much trouble, Jaime had a good knowledge of his products, was friendly, efficient and did not hesitate to contact either myself or my wife to get the job done. It was a joy to go through what could potentially be a tedious process with someone who made us feel that our welfare was important to him. Thank you Jaime!

I have unsubscribed repeatedly to the mailing list (I never asked to be added to it) but yet continue to receive SPAM from Affinity health and Affinity dental regularly. This is illegal. Please remove me and never send to me again. Utterly Disgusted: Thank you for your message - I AM registered on the national DO-Not-Contact register and have always been - you contacted me ANYWAY and totally disregarded it!

The covered medication list

The consultant who sold me the medical insurance told me that I can claim all my medication back from Affinity. Only after I signed up they communicated that just some medication is covered. I asked for a list of that medication on which Vaneshree emailed me this address to use to see if the medication is covered: [URL Removed] When I put in my claim this month they did not approve it and said it is not on the covered medication list. When I questioned this and said that when I went to that link it came up as that they do cover it, the reply was that the list change all the time and is not covered anymore. I feel this is not right at all, very misleading when they explain how it works and it seems that they change the list to suit their needs to not pay what we claim for.

Op die 24ste Junie het ek gegly en geval ek was nog in die 30 dae wag periode aangesien ek die 1ste Junie 2014 aangesluit het. Wat ek nie verstaan het is dat ek die ongeluksvoordeel kon gebruik het maar die oproep sentrum het nie eers 'n aantekening gemaak dat ek gebel het die 24ste Junie en navraag gedoen het wat om te doen nie. Intussen is dit al vandag die 21ste Augustus my enkel het nog nie aangegroei nie ek het die Drs verslag gestuur om die Ortopeet te sien maar ek het vandag self die Ortopeet betaal. Die Ortopeet het 'n MR scan versoek aangesien hy nie op die plate alles kan sien nie waar ek uitgevind het Affinity dek geen scans nie net x-strale. Chantal Boylan by die call centre is die enigste hulp sover. Dit is kommerwekkend dat mens hierdie valse hoop en vertroosting het om te dink jy het dekking as daar iets gebeur maar dit is nie waar nie. Ek was ook meegedeel enige hospitaal maar dan kom jy by die hospitaal dan behandel hulle jou as 'n privaat pasient. Jy het hierdie wanpersepsie oor die goedkoper premie maar intussen betaal jy baie meer jy kan net sowel 'n ordentlike mediese fonds uitneem wat alles dek as om so baie bybetalings te he.

The doctor send the report to my email address and I forwarded this report to Chantal Boylan directly she send this on to Portia at Pan African on the 20th of August. I have to get another copy of the first report because on the one I received on the 25th of June they indicate a closed fracture of calcaneus and this is a bit confusing. On Dr Fourie's report she indicated a Bimalleolar fracture of left ankle. This is a fracture of the left ankle. I also received a report from the Orthopaedic Surgeon at Zuid Afrikaans Hospital today. However I explained previously I am currently working from home and I cannot scan the reports to send them through to you.

Thank you for reporting your experience on Hello Peter.

We have been in constant with you and still await for the doctors report who originally treated you. We have even go as far as to contact the doctors rooms on several occasions for the report but to no avail.

We have neither approved or declined the claim as yet, but do require the doctors report so we can access the claim and resolve this matter with you.

In the last communication with us we confirmed that we require this info and you committed to obtain this report and send to us. Last communications with were on 15th Aug 2014 and we have been contact the doctor daily for the required report.

We really wish to resolve this matter but can only do so on receipt of the doctors report.

We look forwarding to resolving this.

Kind regards
Affinity Health Management Team 

Hello S.,

We will refer your compliment to the correct business to attend too and reply.

Kind regards
Affinity Health Management Team

Dominique from the telesales sold me the accident plan I have been paying for months but have not yet received my welcome package by courier as promissed with my medical card contract stating everything and should I now experence an emergency I have NO PROOF I HAVE COVER!

We will be contacting you regarding this matter to resolve. We have since contacted our courier company to ensure the Welcome Pack is delivered to you soonest.

I was looking for medical cover

Affinity health contacted me regarding a policy health insurance. The guy told me that I can have health insurance and medical aid and that they pay out for the hospital part of the policy R6500 for the first day R4500 for day 2-3 and R3000 for day 4-5 and after that R1500 up to 21 days. My child was in hospital at the beginning of July 2014 with Bronco phneumonia. Now they say no my medical aid paid the hospital bill so they are not going to pay anything. In there FAQ they say that the benefits would be paid into my account and that I would be responsible for settling the hospital. Chantelle told me that there would be no pay out to me because Discovery paid. No where in the documents that I received is stated that they would pay the balance of what Discovery did not pay for my hospital benefit. " The affinity health hospital plan is not a medical aid scheme, but an insured stated benefit hospital plan, in that the daily cash benefists are payable to the member and not the medical service provider.

I was looking for medical cover and came across Affinity Health (Health Insurance), I was attracted by their highly affordable medical cover in regards to day-to-day benefits, and if that was not enough, I was totally blown away by their competent and friendly personnel. WHAT A BREATH OF FRESH AIR!!! I had to shift my debit order deduction to a later stage for a different date a month later, no problems, it was smooth sailing all the way. It was done, no questions asked.

I would like to thank everyone involved who made this possible, a special thank you to Helena Williams who assisted me by explaining to me how the policy works as well as explaining me the benefits.

I would really urge everyone with a need for affordable medical cover to have a look at Affinity Health Insurance as an highly affordable alternative to medical cover, please visit them at [URL Removed]

Their products and services is an absolute winner, these people treat you like royalty.

I landed up in the Emergency unit on the 2 August with severe abdominal pain. Drs suspect I have gall stones but can not do any form of investigation because Affinity Health say I am not covered for this. I took out this policy so that I had hospital cover only to be told I had to go to a state institution to get any type of service. Why have I WASTED all this money for if I STILL have to go to a state facility? Sick of being ripped off, these people are taking our money and giving us NOTHING in return. I now have to pay a bill at St Dominics, had to pay for my medication and am STILL in pain. 

Thank you for taking the time in reporting your experience on Hello Peter.

At date and time of your hospital visit, we requested for a doctors report to access what the condition is you were going to be treated for? According to our records and conversation with the hospital, it was noted that the hospital were not very co-operative.

After further investigation, we also note that your policy was not paid for the month of August?

We have since contacted you to attempt to resolve this matter.

We do strive to make the customer experience special and we thank you for making special mention of Carine who will appreciate the compliment.

I took Affinity Health- it was explained to me that all pathology test are cover aswell as all radiologist accounts we must just know it is only black and white xtrays. I had pain in my leg so i went to the doctor.The Dr did X-Rays at Tshepo Themba Clinix hospital. I then recieved two statements from the Pathology Dr and the Radiology saying tht i have to pay their monies as Affinity refused to pay and they said Affility said they dont cover such test(blood test and X-Rays). So please tell me what is an X-Ray is it not radiologist? What is a bloodtest - is it not pathology? I am no doctor but seriously.
Kindly assist with this matter.

 This R299 product offered by Affinity Health is a terrible product. I took out this additional medical aid service in May and waited through June and eventually when I used this service last week and Wednesday I got a huge shock. I was told by the call centre agent that is fed with false information to sell this terrible product that all medication prescribed by a doctor is free of charge. All my sinus medication including pain tablets was declined this useless company does not pay for that medication so I needed to pay in cash for my medication. I would like to cancel this terrible service and get my 2n premiums reversed as this product gives its customers false information and does not give them peace of mind. I called the call centre number that they gave me on Thursday last week and to date nobody has called me back. Another company answers the line and says that they will inform Affinity health to call me. Still hear nothing from these people. PLEASE CANCEL MY POLICY AND REVERSE MY PREMIUMS PAID TO DATE!!!

 I would like to take this opportunity to complain about a product that I personally think where created to pray on people.
My daughter have been a member since May of 2013.
On 14 July 2014 at 16H00 we had to rush my daughter to Casualties at Union Hospital in Alberton with a possible Appendicitis. SHE WAS IN SEVERE PAIN.
The staff at Union was send from heaven and L*** was made to feel comfortable in no time.
Then the bad news. Affinity was phoned for authorisation for test and admitting her. Well well after more than a year of faithful payments we were told that blood test, sonars and x-rays are for our own account. We had to pay the Hospital and doctor first before the doctor could assist. R2080.
Affinity Heath will admit her but only R11 000 for two days. Yet her membership document states that L**** qualifies for R30 000 for Appendicitis. After lots of stress and worries L*** was transferred to Natalspruit Hospital for the emergency operation. This was 03H00 in the morning. This means L*** was in pain for 11 hours just because Affinity did not want to assist.

I would never deal with

I took out a medical insurance with Affinity health on the 2013/04/01. This was done telephonically. I was esencially looking for a hospital plan. I was called during June 2014 by Affinty to enquire about other products they have on offer. During this conversation a found out that I was on a day to day care plan. I am not a sickly person therefor never asked for this type of insurance, I was duped by the sales agent. I immediatly called the Affinity call centre to voice my disgust. They advised that the policiy cannot be changed. I then asked them to cancel the policy. I was called back by a mananger of some sorts later but he also could not assist me. I asked him to make sure the policy is cancelled.

I would never deal with a company who poaches personal cell numbers for spam purposes and calls it "advertising". You people should be ashamed... Get original and stop poaching cell numbers and stop spamming!... please ;)

I have a 17month old baby boy - who started to get sick. He had a bad cough, runny tummy and could not keep any food down. I thought he might just have simple Gastroenteritis which should clear up with water and no milk.
As his condition did not better after the FIRST night - I took him to the doctor in the network.

This doctor absolutely useless and was concerned about his dry skin, after which we told him, he only gets in winter. Eventually after arguing with the doctor to please give something for his Gastroenteritis and BAD cough - he only gave something for his cough.

After arriving at Mediclinic I had to pay

I went to Clicks where nothing was covered by Affinity.

After the 3rd day of NOTHING clearing, I took him to Intercare and paid for the doctor my self, who after 2 minutes rushed my son to hospital, (his condition was the exact same as on the one with the Dr in the network)

After arriving at Mediclinic I had to pay R 8'000.00 deposit upfront for them to see my son as they do not affiliate with Affinity (as per their website & brochures).

After explaining his critical condition to the call centre - I was promised a return call - and am still waiting.

My son is in Hospital, and Affinity has not called back!

Please don't send advertising on my cell phone, I use my phone for business. Please take me off your SMS list.

Please don't send advertising on my cell phone, I use my phone for business. Please take me off your SMS list.

I have received nothing but excellent service from Affinity Health since I joined them in June 2013. I must say, Affinity Health is definitely the most efficient and competent Medical Aid / Insurance I have ever subscribed to or dealt with, not to mention the most affordable too. Their personnel are also the friendliest of all the Medical Aids I've ever subscribed to. Well done to you guys! Keep up the excellent work!

Up to now I have had great service from Affinity health. I have been trying to get pre-authorisation for a septumplasty procedure. I have followed all the rules and guidelines. Today I call back after I have received the motivational letter from the ENT. I answered all the questions. Portia then asked me when was I diagnosed, I answered the 11th of June to which she responded how is that possible? Implying that I am not telling the truth. Am I and the ENT then uneducated or stupid? I have never been spoken to like that. Disgustingly rude. Needless to say I still do not have my pre-approval for the procedure I need to undergo.

I cancelled a new policy the same

When I fell pregnant, I started looking for affordable medical aid. I had to fight with Affinity to process my application so I will be a member from 1 March 2014. After many phone calls from ME, the inception date was settled as 1 March. It's now 3+ months later, and my membership card and documentation was still not delivered to me.

None of my claims are being processed, it's a schlep to get medication that is covered, and overall I feel this has been only a waste of time and money - which I could have applied much better in paying for pregnancy consultations.
My GP, who is an out-of-network dr, now needs to get a list of meds that are covered before he can prescribe anything.

After 3 months, I am so fed up of not seeing anything positive for joining this scheme. What a waste of money and time!!!

I cancelled a new policy the same day that is was sold to me by phone from one of the personal from Affinity Health because the information he gave was not at all what the criteria of the their internet says about that specific policy. He confirmed that the policy was cancelled. On 1/6/2014 the debit order with triple the amount went of on my bank acc. He added to the policy extras without my permission and did not cancelled it at all.
Needless to sat when i phoned Affinity i was not friendly at all. A very calm, professional and friendly young man Mr Wonder Nyila listened without losing his temper like I did. He handled the complete situation with absolute proffesionalism and promised it will be sorted out the same day. Although I had to go to my bank to cancel the debit order Mr Nyila send me a letter of confirmation that the policy is cancelled. He followed up on me a few times during the day to make sure that I did receive the letter and everything was in perfect order.

This is the kind of guy that every company in South Africa needs. His professional, well mannered, polite, kind and for sure medals for this guy. Thanks Mr Wonder Nyila