Friday 26 September 2014

Affinity Telesales

Dominique from the telesales sold me the accident plan I have been paying for months but have not yet received my welcome package by courier as promissed with my medical card contract stating everything and should I now experence an emergency I have NO PROOF I HAVE COVER!

 Affinity health contacted me regarding a policy health insurance. The guy told me that I can have health insurance and medical aid and that they pay out for the hospital part of the policy R6500 for the first day R4500 for day 2-3 and R3000 for day 4-5 and after that R1500 up to 21 days. My child was in hospital at the beginning of July 2014 with Bronco phneumonia. Now they say no my medical aid paid the hospital bill so they are not going to pay anything. In there FAQ they say that the benefits would be paid into my account and that I would be responsible for settling the hospital. Chantelle told me that there would be no pay out to me because Discovery paid. No where in the documents that I received is stated that they would pay the balance of what Discovery did not pay for my hospital benefit. " The affinity health hospital plan is not a medical aid scheme, but an insured stated benefit hospital plan, in that the daily cash benefists are payable to the member and not the medical service provider.

 I landed up in the Emergency unit on the 2 August with severe abdominal pain. Drs suspect I have gall stones but can not do any form of investigation because Affinity Health say I am not covered for this. I took out this policy so that I had hospital cover only to be told I had to go to a state institution to get any type of service. Why have I WASTED all this money for if I STILL have to go to a state facility? Sick of being ripped off, these people are taking our money and giving us NOTHING in return. I now have to pay a bill at St Dominics, had to pay for my medication and am STILL in pain.

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