Friday 26 September 2014

I then sent an email to

I have recently joined Affinity health, Carine contacted me this morning to confirm details. It was an absolute pleasure to dealmwith her. My questions were answered and I have received all the information that I requested. Thank you Carine for being so professional and friendly.

We applied to join Affinity Health on Mon, 20 Jan 2014. After completing information online, we waited for a consultant to call us to discuss the policy & necessary details.

Having not heard a thing by 27 Jan, I called the Customer Care where I was on hold for 16 minutes - no one answered the phone. Out of frustration I redialed & spoke to a sales consultant who assured me the "verification's lady" would call me in 10 minutes. 3 hours later - nothing. I called again to cancel my policy. I spoke to a consultant who told me he would cancel the application. Just after 4pm the "verification's lady" called me & I told her as well that I was not prepared to go further with the application as if this was the service I could expect - I was not interested.

I then sent an email to [Email Removed] and [Email Removed] to ensure the cancellation was again noted. I received an out of office from Carina & then emailed Heidi at Phakama.


I can't say I"m surprised - this is the worst company I have ever dealt with.

Got a marketing sms from Affinity Health. Went online, filled in details to get a quotation. After hitting the send button, a policy number came up. I am now signed up just when all I was looking for was a quotation. I then receive email stating on which date I should pay first premium. I have spoken to no one to explain all of this. I then receive another email stating that I have provided the incorrect banking details, I should confirm this by email or fax.

I call the contact centre. To my dismay, I have been signed up as a client, without my acknowledgement or approval. I ask consultant how it came about that I be signed up without my knowledge or approval, he says it must have been a mistake. Without even finishing the conversation, he hung up when I insinuated that this is a ****, signing up people without their consent.

I've never had any dealings with you. Want to absolutely ensure that I will never ever have anything to do with you? Annoy me by spamming me like you've been doing!

And no - I won't "opt out" out of something I never requested in the first place.

An agent of Affinity came to our office selling this product to us. We are on the day to day care program. We had to change doctor and chemist to suite the medical aid. We had to get new prescribtions for cronic illness. No one told us to complete an cronic application form. The first time we go to clicks the cronic medication were not paid. The second set were paid after putting them on hellopeter and afterwards none is gettig paid. We have submitted claims from another GP as it was an emergency and our dr was to far - from October till now not paid. None of our plain bloodtests are getting paid so we have to pay everything self. No extray or sonars were paid. we have put them on Hellopeter, spoke to a manager that called us back, a lady called us regarding our claims not being paid, would have send me her email as I was not with pen and paper - never did. So we told them to cancelled the medical aid, even to the agent and untill today it is not cancelled since October and still we get no claims paid. We are awaiting the Medical Boards ombudman telephone number and are going to report them. Call centre refuse to help you on your id no must have your medical aid number to help you.

On Friday the 3 of January 2014 I have send an application for Chronic Medication to Affinity Health, I called them to confirm if they have received the application and they informed me that the application will take 48 hours meaning two work days, I still have not received any feedback from them. I have called them twice today and both times the person responsible are not available and she will call me back still waiting for that call.

My journey is just starting with Affinity Health and NO service already?
What poor response from a service provider.
My 3 month waiting period is over and I am able to go see a doctor now, right?
WRONG! Seeing that I have not received the card, it is impossible!

My wonderful children pays for this for their mother.

The courier company did try to deliver this in mid December, to my daughter in law's cr?che.
She was not there and the staff does not know who I am, so the courier was sent away.

Since then it has been emails and calls and frustration!

Siyabonga makes promises of calling you back, and never does.
Yesterday I had enough and said I want to speak to his manager.
He said it is a Paul, but he is in a meeting. I told Siyabonga he must get Paul to call me back, yesterday!
It is the following day, and still no call.

Poor poor service, I am truly disappointed in Affinity Health.

I applied for a policy wit Affinity in November and indicated the inception date as 01/01/2014 meaning first installment goes off in December 2013. Firstly my account was debited in November instead of December. I raised this issue and had to go to the bank to reverse the debit. Now in December I got double debited. I raised the issue again to say one installment needs to be reversed and this was on the 30th of December, they said it would be done on the 06/01/2014. Today is the 07/01/2014 and my money has not been refunded. All i get as a response is that a request has been sent to Affinity Health for approval to reverse the debit order. This does not work for me because some of my accounts have gone off as unpaid because of this and you people will not cover the costs of my unpaid debits. This is not good enough for me, i want my money back in my account today!

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