Friday 26 September 2014

I've been paying my monthly payment

I've enrolled with AH on 01.10.2013. I've been paying my monthly payment via stop order or direct debit every month since October until 05.05.2014. their statement does reflect ALL payments made up to 05.04.2014 but they still insist that i am 2 installments due. there is an error on they're side. Chantell Bester and Wonga and Idah from debit order department was assisting me on this matter. but they just look at what the statement says without taking the time to understand that the statement is incorrect. it shows ALL payments. so why does the outstanding amount still show two payments due? can someone from AH please take the time to go through the statement with me and sort out this query? since enrolling with AF, they only paid for one doctor's visit in November. my medicine i had to pay cash. i've been struggling to get this sorted out since November last year. none of them an even tell me what months are so called outstanding. they just insist on the amount they say is outstanding. no one is making a real effor to assist me. i have all my proof of payments. PLEASE CAN SOMEONE WITH A REAL INTENTION OF ASSISTING ME, PLEASE ASSIST ME! i am paying for a service i can't use.

I applied to join affinity health on 2014/04/01. I was phoned by maxine and we joined affinity. My first installment was taken on 2014/04/03. The condition of a 30 day waiting period was explain as well as the 3 month waiting period for cronical medication was explained to me. On 2014/05/12 i phoned affinity again as we have not received any paperwork or membetship card as yet. I spoke to chantal and she apologised for the deley and said she would e - mail me the participation certificate so long and make sure thet my paperwork and card is delivered within 2 weeks. When I checked the participation certificate I saw that there where other exclusions that was not explained to me. I phoned affinity and requested that they cancel my account and refund my 2 installments. They said that I have waited longer than 30 days and can not claim my money back. How can I have claimed the money back if I did not know about the restrictings before 12 may 2014

We've been with affinity health for 2 years. only went to the doctor 5 or 7 times in this period. Always nothing major. Then the beginning of the march my husband fell ill. At the doctors offices, they told us the 3 visits last year hasn't been paid, if we want to see the doctor we must first pay our account. He then paid R 803 to the doctor. Then came the medicine and medicross pharmacy told us we must pay everything in full cause they didn't have them on their list. This is after I confirmed with Nicky the agent that we could use the doctor. After he paid the medicine of R 905. We send in all the forms to the agent Nicky who send it on 15/04/2014 to Amelda her contact at affinity. Amelda only then send in the reimbursement form on the 23/04/2013 after I contacted her serveral time. She then said she will call me back. I called again this morning and then she told me sorry they are only paying R 230???? THIS AFTER I SETTLED THE ACCOUNT THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO PAY????. What is this was an emergency and the bill was thousands? Be care full of them guys - they took you money and give you some peace of mind that they are there for you, then when you need them they are now where.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, did you ever get helped with regards with your policy. I was about to open a hospital plan with them but your blog has made think twice about my decision.
