Friday 26 September 2014

I would never deal with

I took out a medical insurance with Affinity health on the 2013/04/01. This was done telephonically. I was esencially looking for a hospital plan. I was called during June 2014 by Affinty to enquire about other products they have on offer. During this conversation a found out that I was on a day to day care plan. I am not a sickly person therefor never asked for this type of insurance, I was duped by the sales agent. I immediatly called the Affinity call centre to voice my disgust. They advised that the policiy cannot be changed. I then asked them to cancel the policy. I was called back by a mananger of some sorts later but he also could not assist me. I asked him to make sure the policy is cancelled.

I would never deal with a company who poaches personal cell numbers for spam purposes and calls it "advertising". You people should be ashamed... Get original and stop poaching cell numbers and stop spamming!... please ;)

I have a 17month old baby boy - who started to get sick. He had a bad cough, runny tummy and could not keep any food down. I thought he might just have simple Gastroenteritis which should clear up with water and no milk.
As his condition did not better after the FIRST night - I took him to the doctor in the network.

This doctor absolutely useless and was concerned about his dry skin, after which we told him, he only gets in winter. Eventually after arguing with the doctor to please give something for his Gastroenteritis and BAD cough - he only gave something for his cough.

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