Friday 26 September 2014

The covered medication list

The consultant who sold me the medical insurance told me that I can claim all my medication back from Affinity. Only after I signed up they communicated that just some medication is covered. I asked for a list of that medication on which Vaneshree emailed me this address to use to see if the medication is covered: [URL Removed] When I put in my claim this month they did not approve it and said it is not on the covered medication list. When I questioned this and said that when I went to that link it came up as that they do cover it, the reply was that the list change all the time and is not covered anymore. I feel this is not right at all, very misleading when they explain how it works and it seems that they change the list to suit their needs to not pay what we claim for.

Op die 24ste Junie het ek gegly en geval ek was nog in die 30 dae wag periode aangesien ek die 1ste Junie 2014 aangesluit het. Wat ek nie verstaan het is dat ek die ongeluksvoordeel kon gebruik het maar die oproep sentrum het nie eers 'n aantekening gemaak dat ek gebel het die 24ste Junie en navraag gedoen het wat om te doen nie. Intussen is dit al vandag die 21ste Augustus my enkel het nog nie aangegroei nie ek het die Drs verslag gestuur om die Ortopeet te sien maar ek het vandag self die Ortopeet betaal. Die Ortopeet het 'n MR scan versoek aangesien hy nie op die plate alles kan sien nie waar ek uitgevind het Affinity dek geen scans nie net x-strale. Chantal Boylan by die call centre is die enigste hulp sover. Dit is kommerwekkend dat mens hierdie valse hoop en vertroosting het om te dink jy het dekking as daar iets gebeur maar dit is nie waar nie. Ek was ook meegedeel enige hospitaal maar dan kom jy by die hospitaal dan behandel hulle jou as 'n privaat pasient. Jy het hierdie wanpersepsie oor die goedkoper premie maar intussen betaal jy baie meer jy kan net sowel 'n ordentlike mediese fonds uitneem wat alles dek as om so baie bybetalings te he.

The doctor send the report to my email address and I forwarded this report to Chantal Boylan directly she send this on to Portia at Pan African on the 20th of August. I have to get another copy of the first report because on the one I received on the 25th of June they indicate a closed fracture of calcaneus and this is a bit confusing. On Dr Fourie's report she indicated a Bimalleolar fracture of left ankle. This is a fracture of the left ankle. I also received a report from the Orthopaedic Surgeon at Zuid Afrikaans Hospital today. However I explained previously I am currently working from home and I cannot scan the reports to send them through to you.

Thank you for reporting your experience on Hello Peter.

We have been in constant with you and still await for the doctors report who originally treated you. We have even go as far as to contact the doctors rooms on several occasions for the report but to no avail.

We have neither approved or declined the claim as yet, but do require the doctors report so we can access the claim and resolve this matter with you.

In the last communication with us we confirmed that we require this info and you committed to obtain this report and send to us. Last communications with were on 15th Aug 2014 and we have been contact the doctor daily for the required report.

We really wish to resolve this matter but can only do so on receipt of the doctors report.

We look forwarding to resolving this.

Kind regards
Affinity Health Management Team 

Hello S.,

We will refer your compliment to the correct business to attend too and reply.

Kind regards
Affinity Health Management Team

Dominique from the telesales sold me the accident plan I have been paying for months but have not yet received my welcome package by courier as promissed with my medical card contract stating everything and should I now experence an emergency I have NO PROOF I HAVE COVER!

We will be contacting you regarding this matter to resolve. We have since contacted our courier company to ensure the Welcome Pack is delivered to you soonest.

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