Friday 26 September 2014

Nothing was too much trouble

My wife and I were shopping for a new medical aid and via research on the internet, we were contacted by Jaime Brits from Affinity Health. Jaime helped us make our decision and join up with our new medical insurance - all online and by phone. Nothing was too much trouble, Jaime had a good knowledge of his products, was friendly, efficient and did not hesitate to contact either myself or my wife to get the job done. It was a joy to go through what could potentially be a tedious process with someone who made us feel that our welfare was important to him. Thank you Jaime!

I have unsubscribed repeatedly to the mailing list (I never asked to be added to it) but yet continue to receive SPAM from Affinity health and Affinity dental regularly. This is illegal. Please remove me and never send to me again. Utterly Disgusted: Thank you for your message - I AM registered on the national DO-Not-Contact register and have always been - you contacted me ANYWAY and totally disregarded it!

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