Friday 26 September 2014

Was even in contact with

I keep getting ridiculous SMS messages. I don't want your product, never did, never queried - I just want the torrent of messages to STOP

I've put my name on the do not contact list.

If I had to reply to every spam I get it would cost me R60 this month

Saw this great application for medical Aid and it looked so inviting and the sales agent contacted me selling this services to me and I asked loads of questions regarding their pregnancy policy they told me it was 12 month waiting period so I asked being a woman and all, what would happen if you had to fall pregnant before the time would they cover and all that, leaving me with the repression that they would. Now *** has given me that gift of being pregnant and now that I have let them know now they telling me they will not cover, Ive asked to speak to higher management they don't respond to me like they should and they refusing to cover now I do not know I'm going to bring my baby into this world. Please watch out for this medial aid company they ***** ***** *****...

Today I got anther SMS from them.

I was even in contact with "Paul McNamee" about removing my number from their list. He said "I do apologies and I will escalate this matter and ensure your details are now removed.".

I am part of the opt-out list, and I've been ensured by Paul that my number was removed, however they still spam me.

I wrote an report on Hello Peter a few days ago. To cancel the application. I was contacted via email. Was informed that we will be contacted. I was contacted via email. And was asked for a contact number, which I gave, but mixed with another number. I was contacted again via email and gave the correct number.
I gave the correct number on the 24th March 2014. It is now the 31 March 2014 and I have not been contacted.


I applied to the Medical Health Insurance Plan. And the first payment will be going off the 1st April 2014. The woman that helped us, Carne. She was all sweet and nice when we started the application. 

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